Measurement & Calibration

See here our huge range of microscope calibration scales for eyepieces and stage micrometer slides and counting chamber slides.  The micrometer slides can be used for any optical system, most commonly a microscope but also for macro, digital and image analysis systems.  See our guide on microscope calibration and measurement.


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Showing 1 - 19 of 19 products
Showing 1 - 19 of 19 products

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration 1mm Horizontal Scale with 100 divisions -10um intervals.

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration 5mm Horizontal Scale with 500 divisions -10um intervals.

Microscope Eyepiece Reticle Micrometer with a Horizontal Scale of 20mm with 0.1mm divisions and a verticle crosshair.  Available in the following sizes:

  • 24mm
  • 24.3mm
  • 26mm

Microscope Eyepiece Reticle Micrometer with a Horizontal Scale of 10mm with 0.1mm divisions .  Available in the following sizes:

  • 20mm
  • 20.4mm
  • 21mm
  • 22mm
  • 23mm
  • 24mm
  • 25mm
  • 26mm
  • 27mm
  • 28mm
  • 29mm

Microscope Eyepiece Reticle Micrometer with a crossed Horizontal and Vertical Scales of 10mm with 0.1mm divisions .  Available in the following sizes:

  • 19mm
  • 24mm

Sedgewick Rafter Counting Chambers for counting particles and microorganisms in clear or semi-clear liquids.

Select from our range of plastic and glass counting chambers and accessories.

Microscope Eyepiece Reticle Micrometer with a crossed Horizontal and Vertical Scales of 10mm with 0.1mm divisions .  Available in the following sizes:

  • 19mm
  • 24mm

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration, especially useful for image analysis system calibration. This slide has 6 round spots of different diameters: 10um, 50um, 100um, 1000um, 5,000um and 10,000um.  Suitable for use with both transmitted and reflected light microscopes (and macro systems)

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration with multiple calibration scales.

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration with multiple calibration scales and image analysis calibration spots.

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration 50mm Horizontal Scale with 500 divisions -100um intervals.

Neubauer, McMaster Counting Chambers

Select from our range of counting chambers (each includes a cover glass) and accessories.

Improved Neubauer Counting Chamber
Double cell with 0.1mm interval lines allows full use of central squares, designed for Haemoglobin and Leucocyte blood counts.

Improved McMaster Double Cell Counting Chamber
The chamber is ruled with 2 x 1cm squares, each with 10 equal distance vertical lines forming 10 mm squares with 10 equal vertical columns.  Used in Parasitology for worm egg counting.

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration. A top quality, robust, anodised black metal 'stage graticule' microscope slide with a circular glass window containing a 10mm horizontal scale marked into 100um divisions.

Also known as a Stage Graticule Slide. Suitable for use with both transmitted light microscopes (and macro systems)

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration. A top quality, robust, anodised black metal 'stage graticule' microscope slide with a circular glass window containing a 10mm horizontal scale marked into 100um divisions.

Also known as a Stage Graticule Slide. Suitable for use with both transmitted light microscopes (and macro systems)

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration. A top quality, robust, anodised black metal 'stage graticule' microscope slide with a circular glass window containing a silvered 10mm horizontal scale marked into 100um divisions.

Also known as a Stage Graticule Slide. Suitable for use with both transmitted and reflected light microscopes (and macro systems).  The scale is a silvered material that can be viewed as a silhouette with transmitted light or as a reflective white scale under reflected/incident light.

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration. A top quality, robust, anodised black metal 'stage graticule' microscope slide with a circular glass window containing a silvered 1mm horizontal scale marked into 10um divisions.

Also known as a Stage Graticule Slide. Suitable for use with both transmitted and reflected light microscopes (and macro systems).  The scale is a silvered material that can be viewed as a silhouette with transmitted light or as a reflective white scale under reflected/incident light.

Micrometer Glass Slide for Microscope Calibration. A top quality, robust, anodised black metal 'stage graticule' microscope slide with a circular glass window containing 5mm total length scale in 0.5mm divisions, 2mm section subdivided into 0.1mm divisions and final 0.2mm with 0.01mm divisions..

Also known as a Stage Graticule Slide. Suitable for use with both transmitted light microscopes (and macro systems)

Microscope Eyepiece Reticle Micrometer with a crossed Horizontal and Vertical Scales of 10mm with 0.1mm divisions .  Available in the following sizes:

  • 19mm
  • 24mm

HSE/NPL Test Slide for Microscope Calibration. A top quality, robust, phase contrast test slide for checking resolution of microscopes used for asbestos analysis Band 5. Includes certificate.


Calibrating a Microscope


Counting Chambers

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Image Analysis Calibration

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Calibration Slide